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Empowering Career Choices: EMBA Alumni Perspectives

On January 21, 2024, the EMBA ECAP Alumni Interaction Event convened virtually under the theme "The 5 Most Important Decisions I have made in my Professional Career.” The event attracted a gathering of over 115 students from EMBA Global and SG batches.

Topics: Postgraduate Programs, EMBA, Global Learning at SP Jain

Highlights from EMBA ECAP Alumni Interaction Event

On January 20, 2024, the ECAP Alumni Interaction event took place, drawing in over 110 students from the EMBA Dubai and ME batches. Despite being held virtually, the event was buzzed with energy as esteemed alumni shared their invaluable insights on career decisions and self-development journeys under the theme, "The 5 Most Important Decisions I Have Made in My Professional Career to Date."

Topics: Postgraduate Programs, EMBA, Global Learning at SP Jain