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SP Jain Global Events

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SP Jain Global Events

Small Stage for Big Talents: Cross Cultural Celebration at the Dubai Campus

The SP Jain Students Club, titled M.A.D, that stands and dedicates itself to the rich forms of Music, Arts & Dance hosted their first event in the Dubai campus in line with the Chinese Lunar Year, Australian National Day and Indian Republic Day celebrations on 26th January 2017.

Topics: BBA

Visit to UNHCR, Dubai by the SP Jain Undergraduate Students

On 19th January 2017, 25 students of SP Jain’s undergraduate batch visited the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees’ Dubai Main Office in the MENA region. UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is a global organisation dedicated to saving lives, protecting rights, and building a better future for refugees, forcibly displaced communities, and stateless people.

Topics: BBA, Industry Visit

Battle of the Division – Intra MGB Sports Tournament at the Dubai Campus

Intra School Tournaments always bring out the best in the students. SP Jain’s Dubai campus undertook “The Battle of the Divisions” from the 6th to 14th of December, 2016. The event was as amazing as it sounds! The MGB students from Division A and Division B internally competed in 7 fun leagues and one day tournaments that included Football, Basketball, Cricket, Badminton, Table Tennis & Pool. Held at SP Jain’s Dubai Campus, GEMS Modern Academy and Nad Al Sheba, the event got everyone involved and enhanced teamwork while indulging in fun activities. Division A emerged as winners with 45 points and Division B trailed with 30 points.

Topics: Intra MGB Sports Tournament at the Dubai Campus

Life Skill Educator Deepak Ramola interacts with BBA students at the Mumbai Campus


Topics: BBA, Mumbai Campus

Rooftop Cricket – Bringing the BBA Students in Mumbai Closer Together

On the 24th of September 2016, 15 students of S P Jain’s Mumbai campus travelled to the Mad Over Sports cricket field located in Hotel Shanti Doot, Dadar, to play a friendly match of cricket. As with any sports outing, the atmosphere was electric, and the excitement, palpable. The matches were to be for two hours, with seven players on one side and eight on the other – for a duration of five overs.

The grounds were located on the terrace of Shanti Doot, four stories above the ground level. Upon arrival, the teams were formed – team Flash and team Tupperware, both captained by the students. Team Tupperware decided to bat first, where some really talented student batsmen opened the game.

Topics: BBA, Mumbai Campus

AE: Convocation Day 2016 at Dubai Campus


Topics: GMBA, EMBA, Graduation Day, Dubai Campus, Master of Global Business

SP Jain Singapore Campus Welcomes the new Jags-2016

This year, we saw around 180 freshmen students from nearly 30 different countries such as China, Egypt, South Korea, India, Mauritius, Mongolia, Portugal, Russia and Spain to name a few. They are here in Singapore to join our Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) course – the course that brings them to three different megacities – Singapore, Dubai and Sydney respectively.

Topics: BBA, Singapore Campus



Topics: Postgraduate Programs


SP Jain today inaugurated a state-of-the-art Simulation Centre for Business and Executive Education at its campus in the Dubai International Academic City. Through advanced multimedia programs that incorporate cutting-edge simulations, the centre is primed to help working professionals and executives come face-to-face with the decision-making challenges CEOs and business leaders come across today.

Topics: Simulation, Technology, Dubai Campus, Innovation