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Dubai EMBA toastmasters club's recognition for leadership and excellence

SP Jain School of Global Management celebrated a significant milestone as the Dubai Executive MBA (EMBA) Toastmasters Club's achievement coincided with the school’s birthday week and marked its 20th anniversary. On Sunday, February 25, the club received a prestigious Toastmasters Recognition Trophy at the Toastmasters District level event for its remarkable accomplishments over the past several years.

Topics: EMBA, EMBA; Dubai, EMBA, SPJ Toastmasters, EMBA, Toastmasters, Global Events at SP Jain, EMBA, Dubai, Toastmasters

Toastmaster spotlight: SP Jain club hosts area 8 annual speech contest at Dubai campus

SP Jain Toastmasters Club in Dubai hosted the prestigious Area 8 Annual Speech Contest on February 11, 2024, at the SP Jain Dubai Campus. Among the six participating clubs, the SP Jain Toastmasters Club, under the leadership of the Area Director, showcased its dedication to promoting effective communication skills.

Topics: EMBA, EMBA; Dubai, EMBA, SPJ Toastmasters, EMBA, Toastmasters, Global Events at SP Jain, EMBA, Dubai, Toastmasters

Rise and Shine: SPJ Toastmasters Club Meets

‘Everybody has their own definition of success. For some, it's reaching up the corporate ladder; for some, it's having a seat in the Boardroom; and for some, enjoying the perks of being a boss and to ‘lead by example’. But, for me, it's to make a difference in the quality of my life. In Toastmasters, we came here with some objective and try hard to achieve it by giving speech, evaluating speech, or by participating in table topics.’ - TM Parmita

Topics: EMBA, SPJ Toastmasters