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SP Jain News Desk

SP Jain News Desk

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SP Jain’s Prof Christopher Abraham shares 5 ways to create High Performance Organisations in the 21st century

Business and HR leaders can no longer continue to function with traditional and historical methods. They ought to now embody new approaches to reimagine their company’s culture, leadership, talent, and strategy transformation. What are the changes one can bring in to ensure an optimal performance level in the organisation? Prof Christopher Abraham (Head of Campus – Dubai, SP Jain School of Global Management) writes in People Matters, a new-age, niche media portal.

Topics: Faculty in the News

How global exposure in BBA can be a huge stepping stone in your career - SP Jain’s Dr Tarun Pasricha writes

In a world where global exposure is a big draw for boosting your career, the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program is emerging as the passport to success in a managerial or entrepreneurial career, shares Dr Tarun Pasricha (Associate Professor of Marketing & Strategy and Deputy Director – BBA, SP Jain).

Topics: BBA, Faculty in the News

How UAE has schooled a future-ready generation

How is the UAE’s education system evolving from personalised, inclusive learning to a specialised one? Dr Arindam Banerjee (Associate Professor and Deputy Director – Global MBA & Master of Global Business, SP Jain) and Prof Christopher Abraham (Head of Campus – Dubai, SP Jain) shared their insights in an interview with Khaleej Times, a leading English language newspaper in the UAE.

Topics: Faculty in the News

Building a strong foundation for student learning – Prof Christopher Abraham interviewed by Gulf News

With state-of-the-art facilities, innovative learning techniques and future-ready courses on offer, the UAE is fast becoming a leading player in the world of higher education. Prof Christopher Abraham, Head of Campus (Dubai), SP Jain School of Global Management, was interviewed by Gulf News, a leading English daily newspaper, on how UAE universities are building a strong foundation for student learning.

Topics: Faculty in the News

How SP Jain is improving student employability with a unique study approach

SP Jain School of Global Management has been featured by Gulf News, a leading English newspaper in the UAE, for placing an increased emphasis on imparting real-world smart skills and making graduates future-ready.

Topics: Faculty in the News

3D your new workforce – Dr CJ Meadows (SP Jain’s Director of the Innovation & Insights Center) writes

What does the future of work look like? What kind of man-machine synergy will we witness in Industry 4.0? Dr CJ Meadows, Professor, Director, i2i – The Innovation & Insights Center and Head, Global MBA – Consulting Management, SP Jain School of Global Management shares her take in the APAC CIO Outlook magazine.

Topics: Faculty in the News

Australia emerges as the top employment location for SP Jain Global’s Undergraduate Class of 2019

Over 50% of the class secured jobs in Australia, with average starting salaries of AUD 55,000 (USD 37,500). UAE, Singapore, Vietnam, Japan, Rwanda, India, Germany, Argentina, Brazil and the USA are amongst other employment locations.

Topics: BBA

How AI Enhances Customer Experience – Professor Karippur Nanda Kumar Writes

Digital Age is transforming consumer habits. Over 80% of leaders and managers from over 200 organisations surveyed by SP Jain School of Global Management across Singapore, Sydney, Dubai and Mumbai over the past two years indicate Digital Transformation as their top priority for IT spending aiming to integrate digital technologies to deliver value to customers.

With the expected rise in such investments in digital technologies, companies need to rethink their strategies for delivering positive customer experiences to survive and grow business, writes Dr Karippur Nanda Kumar, Professor and Area Head, Information Technology, SP Jain School of Global Management, in Tabla! newspaper.

Topics: Faculty in the News

Can one be trained to be a disruptor? President Nitish Jain writes

What is disruptive innovation? How can you develop a mindset for innovation that could lead to disruption of current revenue models and systems? Nitish Jain, President – SP Jain School of Global Management, writes in the December 2019 issue of Brainfeed Higher Education Plus Magazine.

Topics: SP Jain in the News