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SP Jain News Desk

SP Jain News Desk

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AI and Robotics will drive Education 2.0 – Dr Silvia Vianello writes in Khaleej Times

How will the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) into business affect different populations? How can countries become more powerful and build a workforce with global demand? Dr Silvia Vianello, Director – Innovation and Associate Professor, SP Jain, shares her opinion in Khaleej Times, a leading news publication in the UAE.

Topics: Faculty in the News

SP Jain named among ‘101 Fabulous Global Educational Institutions’

SP Jain School of Global Management has been named as one of the ‘101 Fabulous Global Educational Institutions’ at the 2019 World Education Congress held at the Taj Lands End in Mumbai, India on July 4, 2019.

Topics: SP Jain in the News, Awards & Recognition

SP Jain featured as a pioneering global education brand by Hindustan Times

We are pleased to share that SP Jain School of Global Management has been featured as a pioneering global education brand by Hindustan Times, one of India’s leading media publications, in its article titled ‘Indian educators find global footing’.

Topics: SP Jain in the News

Marko Selaković appointed Head of Representative office in Dubai for Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

We are pleased to share that Marko Selaković, Director – Institutional Development & Student Recruitment at SP Jain School of Global Management (Dubai campus), has been appointed Head of Representative office in Dubai for the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Topics: Global Leaders

SP Jain’s Dubai campus awarded 4-star rating by KHDA

SP Jain School of Global Management’s Dubai campus has been awarded a 4-star quality rating by Dubai’s Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) in its first annual cycle of the Higher Education Classification. The rating has been granted for exhibiting excellent standards of education and demonstrating strengths across all categories including Core Criteria categories such as Learning Environment and Program Strength as well as Advanced Criteria categories, along with our graduate skill sets.

Topics: Rankings, SP Jain in the News

Re-engineering the HR space: Dr Debashis Guha shares insights in The Week – Smart Life

In India, providing learning opportunities for employees to keep them relevant in the constantly changing jobs landscape has been one of the major challenges faced by the human resources (HR) industry. In an article titled ‘Re-engineering the HR space’, Dr Debashis Guha, Director – Machine Learning, SP Jain School of Global Management, shares how the School has recognised this gap and is trying to bridge it.

Topics: Faculty in the News

Family businesses in India need a new direction: Dr Parimal Merchant writes in Forbes India

Dr Parimal Merchant, Director – Global Family Managed Business, SP Jain School of Global Management has authored an article titled ‘Family businesses in India need a new direction’ in Forbes India, a leading media platform for the latest business and financial news and analysis.

Topics: Faculty in the News

The Chinese Connect: Prof Christopher Abraham interviewed by Dubai TV

Prof Christopher Abraham, Professor and Head of Campus (Dubai), SP Jain School of Global Management, was recently interviewed on Dubai TV, a channel offered by the Dubai Media Incorporated in the Arab World, Australia, Europe, North America and the rest of Asia, where he spoke about SP Jain’s international students with a specific focus on the Chinese.

Topics: Faculty in the News

Innovation: The distinction between a leader and a follower – Dr Silvia Vianello writes in Forbes India

Dr Silvia Vianello, Director – Innovation Center (Dubai), SP Jain School of Global Management, has authored an article on ‘Innovation: The distinction between a leader and a follower’ in Forbes India, a leading media platform for the latest business and financial news and analysis.

Topics: Faculty in the News