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How an Executive MBA can help accelerate your career – SP Jain’s Dr Gary Stockport writes in The Hans India

Written by SP Jain News Desk | Feb 26, 2020 9:32:00 AM

Pursuing a full-time MBA is typically a 12-month time-consuming process and requires you to take a break from work. For this reason, an Executive MBA has emerged as a viable option to help gain the same quality of education, within 18 months part-time, writes Dr Gary Stockport (Professor – Strategy and Dean – Executive MBA, SP Jain School of Global Management) in The Hans India, a leading English daily newspaper.

Dr Gary Stockport (Professor – Strategy and Dean – Executive MBA, SP Jain)

In the article, published on February 26, 2020, Dr Stockport shares some of the key reasons how an Executive MBA can help accelerate your career. These include:

  • Schedule – fitting-in with your busy work schedule
  • Faculty – learning from state-of-the-art practitioners
  • Applying what you learn immediately
  • Transitioning to a generalist
  • Managers to leaders
  • A professional network for life