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SP Jain and NUS organise SNBP Debating Championship 2019


SP Jain School of Global Management in collaboration with the National University of Singapore Debate Team organised the second edition of Singapore Novice British Parliamentary (SNBP) Debating Championship from October 19-20, 2019 in the Singapore campus.

SP Jain School of Global Management in collaboration with the National University of Singapore Debate Team organised the second edition of Singapore Novice British Parliamentary (SNBP) Debating Championship from October 19-20, 2019 in the Singapore campus.

SNBP 2019 saw 95 participants and core adjudicators with strong credentials in debating and judging in the local and regional debating circuit.

National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore Management University (SMU), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore Institute of Management (SIM), Yale-NUS College, Hwa Chong Institution, National Junior College, Anglo Chinese Junior College, Singapore Polytechnic, Temasek Polytechnic and United World College of SEA, to name a few, participated in the championship. SNBP 2019 also attracted foreign institutions from Macau (Macau English Debate Association) and Malaysia (Pahang Tahfiz Institute).



Hwa Chong Institution emerged as the champion with one of their speakers winning the Best Speaker Award. Our Jaguars (Andrei Teves, Aidai Aidarova, Jonathan Justin, Alberty Anthony, Shriti Shah, Min Guk Chi and Zain Ayaze Kaufid) gained valuable experience, pitting their debating skills against other national and international institutes.




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