With three key events – Visiting Wisdom Guest Lecture, SP Jain Alumni Mixer and The Future of Customer Experience (CX) Dinner with The Ortus Club – it was all about fuelling conversations and ideas for SP Jain School of Global Management (Singapore) on 28th February 2019.

Mr. Kiran Pradhan, an SP Jain GMBA Alum and Head of Analytics and Strategy, Global Supply Chain Analytics
at Schneider Electric (centre, in white) with SP Jain staff and postgraduate students
First, the Visiting Wisdom series was proud to welcome back Mr. Kiran Pradhan, an SP Jain Global MBA (2015) alum and Head of Analytics and Strategy, Global Supply Chain Analytics at Schneider Electric.
Presenting a guest lecture on "Capturing the Benefits of Data in Supply Chain: How It Actually Happens in The Real World?", Mr. Pradhan shared his unique combination of experiences including deep technology expertise, analytics management and leading organisational change.

SP Jain students and alumni discussing ideas in an engaging session
Following the guest lecture, Mr. Pradhan and 20 of our other alumni attended the SP Jain Alumni Mixer held at the Singapore campus. Hosting alumni from all batches and across specialisations, it was a fun-filled evening of networking, sharing of insights and exchanging of ideas between alumni and the current students (who are in Term 1 of their MBA program).
Understanding that the journey of an SP Jain student doesn’t end at graduation, SP Jain is proud to have been part (and continuing to be part) of the education journey of such bright minds.

Dr. John Fong, CEO & Head of Campus (Singapore) - SP Jain, driving the conversation on customer
experience as he moderates the dinner with other C-suites in the room
Talking about bright minds, Dr. John Fong, CEO & Head of Campus (Singapore) - SP Jain, was invited by The Ortus Club to moderate The Future of Customer Experience (CX) Dinner at Artemis Grill, Singapore. An event organised by The Ortus Club, The CX Dinner aimed to bring together C-level executives together in a knowledge sharing session.
In the room with 20 other C-suite leaders from various companies such as AXA, Johnson Controls, Manulife, MediaCorp, PropertyGuru and more, Dr. Fong was leading the discussion on trends, future of customer experience and how it affects business decisions.