SP Jain School of Global Management’s Centre for Research in Global Business Learning organised its inaugural Business Case Study Competition in collaboration with Monash University, one of the top universities in Australia.
September 20, 2022 | by SP Jain Global Events
SP Jain School of Global Management’s Centre for Research in Global Business Learning organised its inaugural Business Case Study Competition in collaboration with Monash University, one of the top universities in Australia.
SP Jain School of Global Management’s Centre for Research in Global Business Learning organised its inaugural Business Case Study Competition in collaboration with Monash University, one of the top universities in Australia.
SP Jain organised a successful Executive MBA (EMBA) Networking Retro Night in Dubai on September 20, 2022. The alumni and current students from the EMBA online and on-campus batches were part of the event. It was an evening of fun, food, and drinks where they got an opportunity to network and meet their peers and faculty face-to-face.
The event was hosted by Dr Monica Gallant (Asst Dean – Dubai On-campus and Middle East Online) and Dr Nada Sayarh (Asst Dean - Global EMBA). They led the ice-breaking game – PINGO, where the students interacted with each other to fill up each box with a different person’s name, who fits the best as per the description.
This was followed by a warm welcome from Ms Lakshmi Raman (VP – Administration) and Dr Gary Stockport (Dean of the Executive MBA, SP Jain), as they addressed the students, alumni, faculty, and staff and shared the EMBA on-campus and ELO growth journey.
Speaking about networking, Dr Gary Stockport explained, “It is defined as the exchange of information among people with a common goal of a special interest, usually in an informal social setting.” He thanked the visionary leadership of Mr Nitish Jain (President, SP Jain) for making a strategic investment in the ELO technology way before COVID-19 had taken over the world. He further encouraged the attendees to spread the value of the program and share more of their success stories.
Mr Satyen Babla (EMBA Alumni President - UAE Chapter) also shared his experience and journey while at SP Jain. He emphasised how important networking is to grow yourself and your career. The event was further graced by Dr Arindam Banerjee, Dr Ruanda Oberholzer, Professor Sandeep Zutshi, and EMBA Program Office team members.
Ms Pallavi Mudaliar (EMBA Online, Batch 5) and Mr Abhishek Shetty (EMBA On-campus, Batch 49) won the best dressed at the Retro-themed party. On the other hand, Mr Bala Subramaniam (EMBA On-campus, Batch 48) won the Best Networker of the night award.
SP Jain School of Global Management, Dubai Campus
Block 5, Dubai International Academic City, P. O. Box 502345, Dubai, UAE
Call: +971 4 5616 700
Email: admissions.dxb@spjain.org
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© S P Jain School of Global Management
S P Jain School of Global Management Pty. Ltd. Provider Category: Institute of Higher Education. TEQSA Provider Identification: PRV12041. CRICOS Provider Code: 03335G.
Permitted by the Knowledge and Human Development Authority. The academic qualifications granted by this institution and certified by KHDA shall be recognised in the Emirate of Dubai by all public and private entities for all purposes.
S P Jain School of Global Management Pty. Ltd. CRICOS Provider Code: 03335G.
The summer program is not approved or attested by KHDA and does not result in an award accredited under the Australian Qualifications Framework.
© S P Jain School of Global Management
S P Jain School of Global Management Pty. Ltd. Provider Category: Institute of Higher Education. TEQSA Provider Identification: PRV12041. CRICOS Provider Code: 03335G.
Name of PEl (Private Education Institution): S P Jain School of Global Management | Registered with Skills Future Singapore Agency (SSG) | PEI Registration Number: 200516544Z | Period of Registration: 09 May 2023 to 08 May 2029.
Permitted by the Knowledge and Human Development Authority. The academic qualifications granted by this institution and certified by KHDA shall be recognised in the Emirate of Dubai by all public and private entities for all purposes.
© S P Jain School of Global Management
S P Jain School of Global Management Pty. Ltd. Provider Category: Institute of Higher Education. TEQSA Provider Identification: PRV12041. CRICOS Provider Code: 03335G.
Permitted by the Knowledge and Human Development Authority. The academic qualifications granted by this institution and certified by KHDA shall be recognised in the Emirate of Dubai by all public and private entities for all purposes.
© S P Jain School of Global Management
Please note that this program is not proved or attested by KHDA
S P Jain School of Global Management Pty. Ltd. CRICOS Provider Code: 03335G
Note: The MAIB program is not offered in Singapore and is not approved or attested by CPE.