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EdTech in India – Nitish Jain (President, SP Jain) interviewed by The Business Year


Nitish Jain (President, SP Jain School of Global Management) spoke to The Business Year, a global media platform, about investing in online learning, attracting international students and India’s National Education Policy (NEP).

Nitish Jain (President, SP Jain School of Global Management)

Nitish Jain (President, SP Jain School of Global Management)

The interview was published in the ‘EdTech in India’ report by The Business Year. The report is an international showcase of India's dynamic EdTech sector for global CXOs, government and academia.

In the interview, Mr Jain shared his insights on:

  • How his early investments in online learning – particularly the Engaged Learning Online (ELO) platform – prepared SP Jain for the current educational landscape
  • How COVID-19 impacted the demand of the ELO platform
  • How the success of the ELO platform changed his strategy to reach international students
  • How India’s National Education Policy (NEP) and its greater acceptance of online learning at the higher education level will impact educational institutions such as SP Jain
  • His long-term vision for implementing technological solutions at SP Jain


About The Business Year:

The Business Year is a global media group that has been providing investors, businesses and governments with first-hand insights into the world’s most dynamic markets for over a decade. They conduct interviews with top decision-makers in the Middle East, Latin America, Central and Southeast Asia, Africa and Europe. Their content is available in printed reports and across an array of digital platforms.




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