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A guide for working professionals joining EMBA - Dr Gary Stockport writes in The Hindu Business Line on Campus

Doing an Executive MBA (EMBA) course is a big commitment, given the time and effort required. It is a part-time master’s degree where the students need to juggle their work, family and also study for 18 to 24 months.  Dr Gary Stockport (Dean – Executive MBA and Professor – Strategy at SP Jain School of Global Management) shares that having a strong enough ‘why’ for doing the course can make all the difference. 

Topics: SP Jain in the News, Faculty in the News

Rising prospects of Data Science as a career option – Dr Abhijit Dasgupta writes in Higher Education Digest

Why data science will continue to be a rising career in years to come? Dr Abhijit Dasgupta (Director, Bachelor of Data Science (BDS), SP Jain School of Global Management) shares his insight in an article published in the Higher Education Digest, an independent educational portal.

Topics: SP Jain in the News, Faculty in the News

How does global learning lead to efficient managers? - Lakshmi Raman writes in Higher Education Digest

Lakshmi Raman (Vice President – Administration, SP Jain School of Global Management) wrote an article in the Higher Education Digest, an educational portal, on how global learning can make a student more efficient in the workplace.

Topics: SP Jain in the News, Faculty in the News

Ways to achieve effective digital leadership – Dr Karippur Nanda Kumar writes in Higher Education Digest

Increasing awareness of digital transformation across Asia is putting a spotlight on how organisations think of leadership and related key practices. Dr Karippur Nanda Kumar (Professor & Area Head, Information Technology, SP Jain School of Global Management) shares his insights in the Higher Education Digest, a leading educational portal.

Topics: SP Jain in the News

Metaverse: A game-changing innovation for businesses - Dr Jireh Hooi Inn Seow writes in Entrepreneur

What exactly is metaverse and how can it be a potential game-changing innovation for businesses? Dr Jireh Hooi Inn Seow (Assistant Professor, SP Jain School of Global Management) shares his insights in an article published in Entrepreneur , a leading business publication.

Topics: SP Jain in the News

SP Jain’s MGLuxM program and its key aspects - Interview with Smita Jain (Director, MGLuxM) on CollegeDunia

Smita Jain (Director, Master in Global Luxury Goods & Services Management (MGLuxM), SP Jain School of Global Management) spoke to CollegeDunia, a popular educational portal, on the MGLuxM program and its key aspects.

Topics: SP Jain in the News, Faculty in the News

How to make online classes fun – Dr CJ Meadows writes in the Hans India

Dr CJ Meadows (Director, i2e – The Innovation & Entrepreneurship Center and Head, Global MBA – Consulting Management, SP Jain School of Global Management) writes in The Hans India , a news portal, on how to make online classes fun and interesting.

Topics: SP Jain in the News, Faculty in the News

How an EMBA can help you fast-track your career – Dr Vanita Bhoola writes in Higher Education Digest

Dr Vanita Bhoola (Assistant Dean and Associate Professor – Executive MBA & Executive Education, SP Jain School of Global Management) has written an article in Higher Education Digest, an independent information portal, on how an Executive MBA (EMBA) program can help professionals become more successful in their careers.

Topics: SP Jain in the News, Faculty in the News

How international curriculum helps students – SP Jain’s President Nitish Jain writes in K12 Digest

The COVID-19 pandemic brought about unprecedented changes to the way businesses operate. In these turbulent times, such as the current crisis, companies need managers who are resilient and quick to find solutions to every problem. How can international education help? Nitish Jain (President, SP Jain School of Global Management) shares his insights in an article published in K12 Digest, an independent international education portal.

Topics: SP Jain in the News