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Learning Live, But in a Simulation Lab - Hindustan Times Interviews Nitish Jain

Nitish Jain (President – SP Jain School of Global Management) was recently interviewed by Hindustan Times, to discuss the institutions adapting to technology to supplement traditional classrooms.

Topics: SP Jain in the News

Nitish Jain Speaks to Gulf News About the Tech Take on MBA

Nitish Jain (President, SP Jain School of Global Management) recently shared his views in “The Tech Take on MBA”, an article that highlights the cutting-edge tools business schools are developing to deliver future-driven content.

Topics: SP Jain in the News

The World is Your Classroom – Business India writes in its feature, discussing SP Jain’s Truly Global Education Model

Business India recently published a feature on SP Jain’s global education model, discussing the history of the school, its future, and more.

Topics: SP Jain in the News

Specialist in Global Learning - Prof. John Lodewijks and Prof. Arindam Banerjee write in Khaleej Times

Discussing the Global Education Model, Prof. John Lodewijks and Prof. Arindam Banerjee recently published an article in Khaleej Times Australia Spotlight titled "Specialist in global learning". The article delves into the education model adapted by SP Jain over time.

Topics: SP Jain in the News, Faculty in the News

Introduction of Incubation Labs at SP Jain - The Economic Times covers

The Economic Times recently published an article about SP Jain Global’s Innovation Labs, preparing students to work with emerging technologies.

Topics: SP Jain in the News