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Professor of Marketing and Neuroscience Lab Director

LinkedIn Profile


  • PhD in Business, Royal Docks Business School, University of East London, UK (2016)
  • MSc in Environmental Management, Ulster University, UK (2011)
  • PhD (DPhil) in Physics, University of Sussex, UK (1993)
  • MSc/Magistere in Physics, University of Grenoble, France (1989)
  • BSc/Magistere in Physics, University of Grenoble, France (1986)
  • TV News Reporter Diploma, INA, Paris, France (2006)
  • Consumer Behaviour
  • Strategic Brand Management
  • Integrated Marketing Communication
  • Digital Marketing
  • B2B Marketing

Academic experience

  • Associate Professor of Marketing, Franklin University, Switzerland
  • Assistant Professor of Marketing, Al Akhawayn University, Morocco
  • Postdoc, AMOLF, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Research Associate, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Corporate Experience

  • Marketing Engineer, Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN), 1 year
  • Technical and Strategic Marketing Manager, ST-Ericsson within the Nokia BU, 8 years

Research Interests

  • International Marketing
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Social Marketing and Consumer Behaviour including Neuromarketing
  • Environmental Management

Recent Publications

Book Chapters

  • Hamelin, N., El Boukhari, M., & Nwankwo, S. (2018). Micro-Credit, Gender, and Corruption. In D. Gray & N. Sonneveld (Eds.), Women and Social Change in North Africa: What Counts as Revolutionary? (pp. 91-116). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108303415.006
  • Hamelin, N., Gbadamosi, A., & Peters, L. M. (2017). Marketing Communications and The Young Consumer. Young Consumer Behaviour: A Research Companion, 121.
  • Hamelin, N., Gbadamosi, A., Mohaouchane, S., & Benelkaid, I. (2016). Consumers Attitudes towards Debt: Empirical Evidence from Morocco. In Handbook of Research on Consumerism and Buying Behavior in Developing Nations (pp. 53-76). IGI Global.
  • Hamelin, Nicolas, and Sonny Nwankwo. "Entrepreneurship education for a renascent Africa." The Routledge Companion to Business in Africa (2014): 371.


Accepted for Publication

  • Negative marketing in political campaigns and its effect on the voting decision of the Indian millennial, Nicolas Hamelin & Talha Harcar. Accepted for publication in Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics
  • Entrepreneurship driven by opportunity and necessity: Effects of educations, gender and occupation in MENA Niloofar Nasiri & Nicolas Hamelin; Accepted for publication in the Asian Journal of Business Research Volume 8 Issue 2, December 2018.


  • Hamelin, N., Mokannef, A., & Gbadamosi, A. (2018). Colour cosmetics consumption among Moroccan women: Examining the nexus of attitudes, religion and the media. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 42(6), 755-767.
  • Comparing Work-Related Values of US, Canadian, Chinese, Iranian, and Moroccan Business Students: Multi-Theory Perspective. Nicolas Hamelin, Niloofar Nasiri, Shahamak Rezaei, Yasmina El Haddou-Yousefi. Asian Journal of Business Research (AJBR). Volume 8 Issue 1, June 2018.
  • Hamelin, N., & Thaichon, P. (2016). Consumer motives and impact of western media on the Moroccan luxury buyer. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 32, 164-170.
  • Yasmina, E. F. & Hamelin, N. (2016). The effect of media and economics on the change of divorce rate in Morocco. International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection, 4 (3), 20-30.
  • Hamelin Nicolas: Sonny Nwankwo, and Moulay Idriss Filali. (2015) "Investigating The Efficiency Of The Moroccan Anti-Corruption Campaign — ACRN". Corruptionresearchnetwork.org.
  • Laila Frija, Hamelin Nicolas and Harcar Talha (2015). Assessment of Moroccans Perception towards Products/Services Advertising Credibility in the Telecommunication Sector, Proceedings of the 2015 International Academy of Business Disciplines 27th Annual Conference. P. 3. http://www.iabdnet.org/IABD%20PROCEEDINGS%202015.pdf
  • Nwankwo, S., Hamelin, N., & Khaled, M. (2014). Consumer Values, Motivation and Purchase Intention for Luxury Goods., Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 21(5), 735-744.
  • Bachleda, C., Hamelin, N., & Benachour, O. (2014). Does Religiosity Impact Moroccan Muslim Women’s Clothing Choice?, Journal of Islamic Marketing, 5(2), 3-3.
  • Hamelin, N. and Harcar, T. (2014). Ethical Consumerism: A View from the Food Industry in Morocco., Journal of Food Products Marketing a Taylor and Francis Journal.
  • Hamelin, N., Nwankwo, S., & El Hadouchi, R. (2013). ‘Faking Brands’: Consumer Responses to Counterfeiting., Journal of Consumer Behavior, 12(3).
  • Hamelin, N. & Nwankwo, S. (2013). Managing the Environment, People and Herds: Sustainability of the Moroccan Cedar Forest, World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, 10(4), 2-2.
  • Nicolas Hamelin, Catherine Bachleda and Oumnia Sahia. (2012). Winning FIFA World Cup Bids: Country Image Analysis as a Tool to Understand and Secure Bids. A Moroccan Case Study, International Journal of Sport Management, Recreation and Tourism, 10, 1-27.
  • Nicolas Hamelin, Meriam Ellouzi, Andrew Canterbury. (2011). Consumer Ethnocentrism and Country of Origin Effects in the Moroccan Market., The Journal of Global Marketing, Volume 24, Number 3.
  • Nicolas Hamelin, Houda Aznay, Connell Monette and Jack Kalpakian. (2010). Trigger Factors of Terrorism Social Marketing Analysis as a Tool for Security Studies – A Moroccan Case Study., The International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies, Volume 3, Number 2, 2010.
  • Nicolas Hamelin, Talba Harcar, Zineb Maimmadi. (2010). Understanding the Moroccan Consumer Behavior to Improve Retailers Queuing System, Advance in Global Management Development, Volume XVIII-2009, pp177-182
  • Hamelin, N., Nassali, A. and Harcar, T. (2009). Determining Churn Drivers in Moroccan Telecom Sector, Journal of International Business Disciplines, Volume 4, Number 2, May 2010, pp16-41.
  • Helium ion implanted waveguides in Zircon., L. Babsail, N Hamelin and P. D. Townsend., NIM. B59/60 1219-1222, 1991
  • Characterisation of ion implanted waveguides in barium fluoride., N. Hamelin, P. J. Chandler and P. D. Townsend., Phys. Stat. Sol(a) 134.557 (1992)
  • SHG in ion implanted lithium niobate optical waveguides., N. Hamelin, G. Lifante, P. J Chandler, P. D Townsend, S Pityana and A. J. McCaffres. Jour. Mod. Optics, 1994 Vol. 41, No 7, 1339-1348
  • Cr: LiSrAlF6 optical waveguides defined by ion beam implantation., P. J. Chandler, X. Huang, P. D. Townsend N. Hamelin, Y.T. Chow, NIM. B127/128 (1997) 528-532
  • Second Harmonic Generation in implanted Mg: LiNBO3 Optical waveguides., N. Hamelin and Y. T. Chow., Jour. Modern Optics, 1998, Vol 45, No 10, 2125-2129.
  • Low-threshold, high efficiency, linearly polarised 1. 338 mm Nd: S-VAP laser and its frequency doubling., Changquing Wang, N. Hamelin and Y. T. Chow, Jour. Mod Optics, 1998, Vol 45, No 10, 2139-2145
  • Energy backtransfer and infrared photoresponse in erbium-doped silicon p-n diodes., Hamelin, N.; Kik, P. G.; Suyver, J. F.; Kikoin, K.; Polman, A.; Schonecker, A.; Saris, F. W. Journal of Applied Physics, 2000, vol. 88, no. 9, pp. 5381-5387

Papers in Conference Proceedings

  • Determining Churn Drivers in Moroccan Telecom Industry., N. Hamelin, A. Nassali and T. Harcar, has 2009 International Academy of Business Disciplines (IABD) Conference in St. Louis, MO, 2009.
  • Understanding the Moroccan Consumer Behaviour to Improve Retailers Queuing System., Nicolas Hamelin, Talha Harcar, Zineb Maïmmadi, Eighteenth Annual World Business Congress of the International Management Development Association (IMDA) Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia from July 1-5, 2009
  • Understanding and Fighting Corruption: The Use of Social Marketing - The Case of Morocco., Nicolas Hamelin, El Mahdi El Boukhari, and Andrew Canterbury, International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines (IABPAD) Conference, October 21-24, 2010. Also accepted for publication in the IABPAD Conference Proceedings.
  • The Determinants of Mobile Advertising Success in Morocco., Nicolas Hamelin, Nabil Mohattane, Talha Harcar. Twenty First Annual World Business Congress of the International Management Development Association (IMDA), July 4-8, 2012. Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences. Helsinki, Finland.
  • Funding Entrepreneurship Training Infrastructure., (Prof. Sonny Nwankwo, University of East London and Dr Nicholas Hamelin, Al-Akhawayn University, Ifrane, Morocco). The 2nd Entrepreneurship Directors’ Conference, 2013, Kwara State University, Malete.
  • African Development Bank Workshop on Entrepreneurship Development for African youth on December 10-12, 2012, in Dakar, Senegal. Hamelin led a workshop on “Developing Entrepreneurship values for Morocco’s Youth.”
  • Children’s Attitude towards Advertising in Developing Countries, the Case of Morocco, presented at the Twenty Fifth Annual World Business congress: Globalization: Developments, Opportunities and Challenges. London, UK, June 15-19, 2016.
  • Effects of Emotional Advertising on Driving Attitude Score and Recall: A Novel Facial Analysis
  • Approach, presented at the Twenty Fifth Annual World Business congress: Globalization: Developments, Opportunities and Challenges, London, UK, June 15-19, 2016.

Awards & Recognition

  • Research collaboration with Ogilvy Dubai on Neuromarketing and storytelling
  • Implementation of the carbon footprint compensation scheme at AUI Morocco and spearheaded the Franklin university solar project in Switzerland
  • Founder of IPT, a Sydney-based Neuroscience company
  • Co-director of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center at the American University of Central Asia
  • Published in Cambridge Academic Press “Microcredit, Gender and Corruption: Are Women the Future of Development?”
  • Published Entrepreneurship Education for a Renascent Africa, The Routledge Companion to Business in Africa.
  • Extensive experience with business research agencies: Euromonitor, Foglamp and advisor for GT (Global Transparency)
  • Awarded Important EU Grant of 700,000 Euro: MSCA-RISE-2014 – Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) 2014-2016: Transnational Diaspora Entrepreneurship as a Development Link between Home and Residence Countries.
  • Patent: Australian Patent 2017100126 “Intuitive predictive trading using GSR and random images generation”, US Patent 62461656 “Galvanic Skin Response based Intuitive Learning Method and System”.

Media Appearances

Research Grants

  • 2014-2016: EU Mary Curie Grant: Transnational Diaspora Entrepreneurship
  • 2014: Al Akhawayn University, Presidential Innovation Fund ‘Carbon offset project’
  • 2012: King’s University College at The University of Western Ontario, Non-Medical Research RERC Grant – in course


  • Patented infrared detector device of semiconductor material and manufacturing process thereof; European Patent Number EP0993053 and Japan JP2000164841, Polman, N. Hamelin, P.J. Kik and S. Coffa, FOM, STmicroelectronics. Australian Patent 2017100126 “Intuitive predictive trading using GSR and random images generation”, US Patent 62461656 “Galvanic Skin Response based Intuitive Learning Method and System”. Australian Patent 2018101098: Galvanic Skin Response based Intuitive Learning Method and System